Looking back over the last couple of months and trying to figure out what it
was that filled up the days, and why there are no blog posts, I come back to
two things.
I went to art shows with Ed.
I worked on the garden and its produce.
The art show/craft show circuit in the summer is an intense
round of put-up-the-tent, put-up-the-art,
take-down-the-art, take-down-the-tent, load up the car, hope it doesn't rain. And then do it again.
We were lucky to have mostly good weather this season,
and mostly good shows. Once the
early work’s done, it’s not really a bad life to have to sit in the sun in a
town in Maine on a summer afternoon.
Here’s Ed working hard in Belfast.
And of course you see some familiar faces, fellow vendors,
passing friends…
And the garden – indeed the plastic owl saved the cherries, the
garden overflowed with too much of too many things. It was beautiful while it
We fought off the striped cucumber beetles, thwarted the
birds in the cherries and the earwigs in the peaches, plucked and squished the
tomato hornworms – and still the late blight appeared on the heels of a 24 hour
rain and wiped out the late maturing tomatoes.
Gardening’s a series of wins and losses, and the balance is
pretty good this year. But
next year…